National Centre for Coastal Autonomy
The National Centre for Coastal Autonomy (NCCA) is aimed at delivering world-leading capability in coastal autonomy. At its core, the NCCA comprises a fleet of state-of-the-art surface autonomous vessels, sub-surface coastal platforms and sophisticated scientific buoys integrated on a unique high-speed marine communications network. This combination of innovation and new technology, driven from its national hub in Plymouth, will deliver the UK’s first autonomous coastal observing system.
The NCCA will utilise the full breadth of world-leading academic research expertise from across Marine Research Plymouth Alliance in areas such as: Smart Autonomy, system of systems integration, remote operations centres, maritime cyber security, assured autonomy, artificial intelligence and machine learning for advanced data processing, and advanced navigation. The NCCA will also provide the research backbone for the 5G Coastal Highway, identified as a priority project under the Digital Oceans theme.
Marine Research Plymouth Alliance has recognised capability and unrivalled experience in the scientific monitoring of the challenging and dynamic area of coastal autonomy. Delivering internationally prestigious projects such as the Western Channel Observatory, Smart Sound Plymouth, Cyber-SHIP Lab, and being ranked in the top 5 globally for contributions to UN SDG 14 ‘Life below water’, Marine Research Plymouth Alliance consistently demonstrates world-leading expertise supported by a wealth of cutting-edge autonomous assets.