Early Career Researcher (ECR) network
The Marine Research Plymouth Alliance Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network comprises PhD students, postdocs & fellows from across the three institutes and brings together a variety of disciplines, all linked to the marine environment. During the ECR Network launch meeting at the Marine Biological Association, the network identified four themes to focus on and use to shape the direction of activities.
1. Collaboration
2. Funding
3. Mentorship
4. Peer-to-peer emotional support
Within these four themes, the Marine Research Plymouth Alliance ECR network offers the following:
Biannual full network meeting – a chance to get together as a whole group, feedback on current activities and further shape the network.
Skills-share workshops – an opportunity for ECRs to share and learn skills from one another. Examples of workshops include methods of image analysis or use of different coding languages.
Seminar series – these ad-hoc panel/Q&A/talk sessions will cover topics such as fellowships, funding guidance, and developing links with industry.
Mentorship programme – an opportunity to work as a mentor or mentee, increasing ECR’s exposure to different researchers across the three institutes.
Social activities that take place outside of working hours on the first Friday of every month.
If you are an ECR - working in anything ‘marine’ - at the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth Marine Laboratory or University of Plymouth, we would welcome you to join our network.
The network is largely coordinated by a volunteer (non-elected) committee comprising ECRs from all three institutions. We are always looking for volunteers to help take on tasks including, but not limited to, organisation of talks/seminars on funding and industry links.
If you are willing to take any tasks on, please indicate this on the form when you sign up to the network.

Upcoming events